
Exhibition in Deauville

the body in all its states" exhibition in deauville

Exhibition: "The body in all its states

from 28 January to 31 December

Today, with over 6,800 works of art, the Franciscan collections are presented in its Universes on an annual rotation basis. The subject of the "Body" has been chosen to be displayed in 2023 in these thematic spaces linked to the identity of the Franciscans. Deauvillewhich combines original works, books and digital resources.

The naked or clothed body, the body in movement or at rest, body parts, human, horse, frozen in the moment by the photographer or painter...

Temporary exhibition: "Treasures from the collections: exceptional fossilisations".

From 8 April 2023 to 7 January 2024

Fossilisation is a highly selective phenomenon. Of all the living things that have ever lived on Earth, very few have reached us in the form of fossils. The nature of their morphology, their composition and the environment in which the organism lived are determining factors in their eventual preservation.

This exhibition sets out to explain the methods used in exceptional fossilisations and shows a diversity of remarkable and aesthetic fossils, such as the conservation of soft parts, the sometimes three-dimensional fossilisation, the conservation of colour pigments, etc.

exhibition "treasures from the exceptional fossil collections" - deauville exhibition
faites vos jeux" exhibition - deauville exhibition

Exhibition: "Faites vos jeux

From 24 June to 17 September

A multi-disciplinary exhibition on the world of casinos: mythical places, unbearable suspense, games, flamboyant personalities... Representations of a world where chance, luck, fortune, luxury and destiny meet.

Historical and modern paintings, contemporary works of art, exceptional games, extracts from famous sequences, historical documents... Over 200 works from public and private institutions are on display for a scientific and entertaining journey into a fascinating and secret world.

Exhibition: "Animal stories

from 7 July to 3 September

Animal sculpture goes back to the origins of art. Animals have always inspired craftsmen and artists, taking us back to childhood and the fantasy of fairytales.

With a fresh eye, a diversity of materials, a multiplicity of creative expressions, on the edge of reality and imagination, they bring stories to life.

la roche workshop for receptions - hotel deauville
exhibition "le grand bestiaire d'andré hambourg" - deauville exhibition

Exhibition: "André Hambourg's great bestiary

from 8 July to 31 December

The artist has depicted animals on countless occasions, and these are revealed in a journey featuring an improbable bestiary! Cats, geese and goats populate her canvases. His travels have enriched this bestiary with zebus from the Ivory Coast, horses from Central Park and seagulls from the Mediterranean. Honfleur basin. While some animals form the main subject of the work, the painter plays at hiding others. Here, a hen lies in the shade of a leaf, while there, a small dog hides behind its master's legs. The artist's works are displayed alongside those of other painters and draughtsmen, from the Franciscan collections and on loan from other artists.

Exhibition: "Soulages, discovering engraved work

from 8 July to 24 September

A selection of etchings by Pierre Soulages (1919-2022), master of black and light, in partnership with Millon Paris. Soulages used a variety of media in his work: oil on canvas for the thickness and depth of the material, ink and walnut stain on paper, and various printmaking and engraving techniques.

exhibition "soulages à la découverte de l'œuvre gravée" - deauville exhibition


